Thursday, July 30, 2009

Detecting Her Likes And Dislikes

It may be evident that the love you have for your fiancée radiates from her glow being around you. You can’t help but secure that love you feel for her with something that may seem as priceless and unique as a diamond born millions of years ago, only to surface the earth and sparkle on her finger, complimenting her true beauty.

Over the centuries engagement rings have continued to make the statement for unity and everlasting love. If your quest has now become to buy your fiancée that special engagement ring that will captivate her heart, then you’re on the right track. We’ll help you avoid the pitfalls when shopping, and show you how to take advantage some of the tools made possible to educate you, and guide you on your quest.
What's Her Style?

First things first, take your fiancée to the mall or jewelry store in your local area, pretend your looking for a watch or gold chain, and watch her glide across the other side of the shop where the diamond rings are being displayed. Let her feed her curiosity, and/or try on a ring or two, or three (like in my case). Open your ears to the jeweler's lingo, listen for clues like ring size (fitting her finger), and the style of diamond she admires, whether that be brilliant round , emerald cut, Pear, Oval, Heart, etc. Does she like a solitaire diamond ring, or a three stone diamond ring? After walking away from the jeweler you should have gathered enough info on what type of diamond your fiancée desires. Now I'm not saying this method works for everyone. If you’re buying the diamond for yourself you would definitely visit the jeweler and ask all the questions that would concern you.
A Gaudy Diamond Ring May Be Tacky - How so?

Although most women would love to have a large diamond, remember that a larger diamond also creates the illusion of power, wealth and influence. To some women this may be uncomfortable to wear if they don't fit this stamina. Your fiancee may be humble with a smaller diamond which will not clash with her persona, something she may feel at ease wearing that is more humble to her soul, avoiding a gaudy yet risky to wear engagement ring also in fear of having it stolen.
Some agree that the bigger the finger the bigger the diamond, the smaller the finger the smaller the diamond otherwise the ring may once again look gaudy. Hench, those that have smaller fingers a 1ct diamond ring would look huge.

1 comment:

  1. Diamond is very pure substance and never crack.This is very beautiful and different colours.
    regards,saad from
    University of Chittagong
    Buddhist Pali University
